Friday, December 3, 2010

WildThing is slowly getting ready for 2011

2010 was a rather sad year for WildThing; she never actually splashed and stayed in the yard at PCYC all summer long... I'll spare you the list of excuses!

She is now getting ready for 2011. the interior is being stripped of that ugly/smelly/mouldy nylon carper that covers the hull side and the underside of the deck. This is turning out to be a more challenging job than originally anticipated but the scraper blade on the oscillating tool is making it somewhat easier. Once this is completed, I'll tackle the rest of the job list; a new double-ended spinnaker downhaul, a better vang arrangement and possible a longer traveler track are in order. I also plan to replace some of the teak on deck with composite material.

Stay tuned for developments and pictures...

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